Friday 27 March 2020


Present Indefinite Tense

First of all, I would like to describe the situations or cases in which we use present indefinite tense.
Present Indefinite Tense, Present Tense

Facts and Truths:

We use present indefinite tense to show worldly or eternally truths and facts.

For example:

❶Water boils at 100 Celcius.
      ❷The Earth revolves round the Sun.
      ❸The Sun sets in the West.
Facts and truths do not change. They can’t be undone. There is always an element of universality in them. In the above examples, there are universal facts or truths which can’t be challenged or changed.

Habits and Repeated actions:

Present indefinite tense is used to demonstrate daily habits and repeated actions.

For example:

❶I always eat lunch at noon.
❷They study English every Monday.
In the above examples, there are habits or actions which are being done in a habitual or repetitive manner.
It is important to mention here that we usually use time phrases or adverbs of time to show habits or repeated actions. It is not always that we use adverbs of time to show habits, routines or repeated actions.

For example:

❶Anusha goes to school.
This example clearly depicts the daily routine of Anusha but here we have not used any adverb of time or time phrase.

Near Future or Scheduled Events:

Present Indefinite Tense is also used to show scheduled events or actions to be done in near future.

For Example:

❶We start work soon.
❷My students come tomorrow.
❸Lunch is at 6’o clock. Don’t be late.
In the above examples, there are some events or actions which are subjected to be done in near future.

Sentence Rules/Structure in Present Indefinite Tense:

Now, I am proceeding to discuss the sentence structure in Present Indefinite Tense.

Positive/Affirmative Sentence Rule in Present Simple Tense:

Sub + 1st form of verb (s/es) + Object

Present Indefinite Tense Examples:

❶Anusha goes to school.
In the above example, Anusha is subject and we have added –es with verb 1st form ‘’go’’.
It is necessary to mention here that we add –s and –es with third person singular subjects (He, She and It) only in positive sentences.
We don’t use suffixes –s and –es with third person singular subjects in negative and interrogative sentences because of being used “does” or “doesn’t” as an auxiliary verb.

Use of suffix –S:

When last letter of verb is “y” and second last letter is a vowel, then we add suffix –s after “y”.
Obey Obeys
Play Plays

Use of suffix –es:

We add suffix –es with verbs which end in words –CH, -SH,-O and –X.
Watch Watches
Wish   ⇒ Wishes
Go      ⇒ Goes
Box   ⇒ Boxes

Negative Sentence Rule in Present Indefinite Tense:

Sub + Auxiliary Verbs (Do/Does) + not + 1st form of verb + Object
❶Anusha does not go to school.
❷They do not work hard.

Interrogative Sentence Rule in Present Indefinite Tense:

Auxiliary Verbs (Do/Does) + Sub + 1st form of verb + Object
❶Does Anusha go to school?
❷Do they work hard?

Monday 13 January 2020



Progressivism, Progressivism Quotes, Progressivism Era , Progressivism Definition, Progressivism Movement

Progressivism Definition:

                      Progressivism is an academic movement started by    American philosopher John Dewey that describes that students learn through their own experiences. It revolves round the students' needs, including teaching students to be good citizens also as well as good learners, an idea referred to as focusing on the entire child.

Progressivism Era:

                The  Progressivism Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the America that spanned the 1890s to the 1920s. The basic objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by Industrialization, Urbanization, Immigration, and Political Corruption. The movement basically influenced political leaders. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office, an extra means of direct democracy can be established.They also advocated for brand new government roles and regulations, and new agencies to hold out those roles like the FDA.
                         Many Progressivism activists favoured restriction of alcoholic beverages, ostensibly to destroy the political power of local bosses based in saloons, but others supported religious affairs.

Progressivism Quotes:

David Harsanyi Progressivism Quotes:

Progressivism Progressivism Quotes

Sylvia Mathews Burwell Progressivism Quotes:

Progressivism Progressivism Quotes

Powell Clayton Progressivism Quotes:

Progressivism Progressivism Quotes


Jonah Goldberg Progressivism Quotes:

Progressivism Progressivism Quotes

 Theodore Roosevelt Progressivism Quotes:

Progressivism Progressivism Quotes

Progressivism Overview:

                 John Dewey (1920) is the most notable philosopher of Progressivism. It lays stress on importance of learning by doing rather than traditional schooling method of learning by absorption. It emphasis on learning by doing practical.
                  Curriculum of Progressivism is focused on thematic units. Group work is encouraged in it. Students should test ideas by active experimentation. Assessment is done by evaluation of child’s projects and productions. In Progressivism, learning is directly related to the interests of the child not the teacher.

Teacher role in Progressivism:

       Teachers facilitate and encourage students to use a wide variety of activities to learn. Progressive teachers suggest students to learn by discovery.

Student Role in Progressivism:

        Student is an active participant in their learning. Students should have active engagement and thinking for themselves.

Progressivism Curriculum:

 Curriculum is focused on:

                      A series of things that children and youth must do and experience. Children have all experiences under the guidance of teachers. The total experiences with which the school deals in educating young people. A set of values that is activated through a development process and conclude in classroom experiences for students.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Types of Education, Education Quotes

Types of Education:

 The main three types of education are as follows:

• Formal Education

• Informal Education

• Non-formal Education

Formal Education:

Formal Education is organized and structured system of education. In other words, we can say that Formal Education or Formal learning usually takes place within the premises of an educational institution, where an individual may learn basic, academic, or trade skill.

 Examples of Formal Education:

 • Learning in a classroom
 • School grading/certification, college, and university degrees
.• Planned education of various subjects having a correct syllabus acquired by attending the institute. 

Characteristics of Formal Education:

 • Formal Education is structured hierarchically.
 • It is planned and deliberate.
.• Scheduled fees are paid regularly.
 • It has a chronological grading system.
.• It has a syllabus and subject-oriented. The syllabus must be covered within a selected time period.
.• The child is taught by the teachers.
.• Practical adult learning.
.• Diversity in methods and content.
 • Mobilizes local resources.
 • Built on learner’s participation.
.• Real life examples of learning.

Non-Formal Education:

 Non-Formal Education is less organized in view of formal curriculum and structure and any credentials like certification  but it empowers the individual capacity and skills. This kind of education involves more experienced teachers in the process. In other words, we can say that Non-Formal Education consists of  basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. In Non-Formal Education, someone can learn literacy, other basic skills or job skills. 

Examples of Non-formal Education:

 • Fitness programs
 • Community-based adult education courses.
 • Free courses for basic education developed by some organization
.• Learning from Experience
.• Learning from Home. 
 • Learning from Environment 
   Learning from Work.

 Characteristics of Non-formal Education:

• Unlike theoretical Formal Education, It is practical and vocational training . 
• Non-Formal Education has no age limit.
•  Certificates can or can not be necessary.
• It can be be full time or part-time learning and one can earn and learn together. It involves learning of professional skills

Informal Education:

 Informal Education is not structured and organized in terms of curriculum and credentials and time. The teacher may be elder of family like mother, father, grandfathers etc.Informal Education could also be a parent teaching a children the way to prepare a meal or ride a bicycle. People also can get an Informal Education by reading many books from a library or educational websites.

 Examples of Informal Education:

• Teaching the kid some basics like numeric characters.
• Someone learning his/her mother tongue.
• A spontaneous sort of learning, “If an individual standing inside a bank learns about opening and maintaining the account at the bank from someone.”

 Characteristics of Informal Education:

• It is independent of boundary walls.
• It has no definite syllabus.
• It's not pre-planned and has no timetable.
• No fees are required because we get Informal Education through daily experience and by learning new things.
• The certificates/degrees aren't involved and one has no stress for learning the new things. 
• You'll get from any source like media, life experiences, friends, family etc.
• It is different  from both Formal Education and Non-Formal Education.
• It includes discussion among students, learning outside the classroom, and learning from videos etc.
• Training activities 
• Source of acquiring knowledge are going to be the web , Social Media, electronic/print media, group discussion amongst friends/family members.

Friday 10 January 2020

The Bear, The Bear Summary , The Bear By Anton Chekhov , The Bear PDF,

The Bear By Anton Chekhov Summary:

The Bear is a comedy play. It has 2 main characters: Popova and Smirnov. Popova is a young woman whose husband is dead; however she continues to be mourning at his death. She doesn't leave the house and meet anyone and she is sporting a black dress to prove that she loves her husband even after seven years of his death. Although he was so unkind and disloyal to her yet she is and will be faithful him for ever. Her servant, Luka, is pacifying and telling her that she is young and may forget her dead husband now. He says there are several smart individuals around and she ought to get married again, however, she is so connected to her husband’s reminiscences that she doesn't agree with him.

The Bear by Anton Chekhov Summary:

A young man, named Smirnov, comes to Popova to induce his debt back that Popova’s husband had borrowed from him because he used to purchase oats for his horse, Toby. He tells Luka that he desires to see Popova however she refuses to see him. He pushes his way in and sits in the drawing room. Luka goes to inform Popova that the devil has come in forcibly.  Popova sees Smirnov and tells him that she is in a state of mind that she cannot concentrate to cash matters. She also says that he can get his money once her steward comes back from town; however, Smirnov says that he needs the money now because he has to pay the interest and if he does not do that the creditors will take his estate and give him a tough time. At this Popova says that since she does not have cash at the moment, she cannot pay.

Smirnov becomes angry because he has been calling on his debtors; however none of them has paid him and here he is met by Popova in a very state of mind. Smirnov becomes angry at this. Smirnov's attitude becomes rude and he says, “You cannot win my heart with your dimpled cheeks and weeds.I even have refused twelve ladies and 9 have refused me. I even have fought duels thrice on account of ladies.” He calls all girls insincere, selfish, faithless, and trivial to the marrow of their backbone. Popova additionally calls him a bear 3 times. This leads both of them to a fight, which can decide whether only men want pay for their insults or girls should also pay, as they need liberation. Luka becomes afraid and goes to call gardener and other servants to prevent these individuals from fighting. Popova brings pistols; however she doesn't know how to fire. Smirnov teaches her. The process of asking for debt and Popova’s fashionable attitude makes him fall in love with her. He madly loves her like a student. Popova also begins to love him. Instead of fighting, they're drawn close to one another.  When Luka, returns with gardener and different servants, he finds each of them in happy union and Popova says, “Tell them in the stables that toby isn't to possess any oats at all today.”

The Bear by Anton Chekhov is Farce?

The Bear is a farce. The boisterous conditions create it an entire farce. It's an on the spot criticism on hypocrisy of the individuals of Russian society that how their states of mind change and how they behave differently from their actual nature.

Friday 29 November 2019

Hadiths PDF Hadees PDF Hadith Collection Hadees Collection Best Hadiths Best Hadees

Actions Depend On Their Intentions Hadith:

hadith , hadith definition, hadith of the day, hadith for the day


Intention is hidden deep in one’s heart. The word "Niyyah" springs from the root noon-wau-ya (Nawa) that is also  used for seed. A seed is either hidden within in a fruit or buried deep below the soil. It's not visible on the surface. Likewise, Niyyah or intention is hidden deep in one’s heart. It's not apparent.

The quality of the fruit depends on the standard of the seed. If the seed was good, your turn out are going to be fruitful. If  the seed was not of good quality,  your crop won't be fruitful. Similarly, if our intention is correct and just for the sake of Allah , the quality of our actions will be superb. On the opposite hand, if our intention is corrupt and for some other reason (such as seeking praises of other people) our actions will be rejected.

Success is not simply the result of one’s action but also the condition of one’s heart. For example, you are doing an honest deed of helping somebody in their crisis. The person does not thank you in return. What is the condition of your heart? Are you infuriated that this person on whom you have done a favor has not acknowledged your generosity? Or is your heart at peace knowing that you did it just for the pleasure of Allah Almighty  and He has noticed the great deed? Our intentions tell us regarding ourselves. Whether one is helping someone else, doing Ibadah  or getting religious information, one should check the state of his heart. Is there pride in our heart? Is it only to please Allah Almighty or to achieve praises from people?

It is also same that this hadith means that there's no action without intention. For example, you stay hungry the whole day and once the day is over you say: Oh I spent this day in fast. If you had not intended to fast the night before or at the start of the day, then this is not fasting. You starved yourself and got no reward. Each act of worship needs intention. This doesn't mean reciting specific words as folks kill some cultures however you create the intention in your heart. For example, you will not wake up for Sahoor if you don’t shall fast or you won't build ablution unless it’s time to pray. It's the intention to fast or pray that makes you get up and take an action.

 If you truly intended to wake up for Tahajjud then Allah  will ensure you get up in the middle of the night. If you said that casually, you might even miss your Fajr prayer. If we intend to make reconciliation with someone and we truly mean it, Allah Almighty will ease the way. Therefore, we should always be aware of what we utter because Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is aware of what’s within our hearts. 

Migration is an action that deserves high rewards because of the difficulty of the journey, however provided that one migrates for the sake of Allah Almighty. For example, leaving a country where you are unable to worship according to  your religion. It can also include migrating from a Muslim country to a non-Muslim country for the sake of Da’wah. However, if a person moves abroad for a better job or wedding then such a migration doesn't reward an individual. He can only receive the advantages for which he migrated such as a good salary and spouse but no special rewards from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Similarly, leaving something is also a sort of migration; if an individual gives up sins for the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala then he will get the reward for it. However, if it was to please someone else then there'll be no profit.

Once one begins doing anything, he must be sincere. No matter what a person is doing his concern should be the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. As we start the study of the book Saheeh Bukhari, we need re-check our intention. Is it for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, so that can  learn more about our beloved Prophet(S.A.W) and reform our actions or is it so that people will take into account us learned? Is it to argue with people and degrade them or is it to call people to a righteous action?

Knowledge gets wasted between timidity and pride. Let's not waste our ‘ilm and ‘aml'. May Allah Almighty defend our hearts from bad intentions.

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Properties Of Language Features Of Language

Characteristics of Languages:

                 In this article, I am going to describe in detail the salient Properties of Languages or Characteristics Of Languages.There are many characteristics and properties Of language but I will discuss the most important ones properties of language.

Properties of Languages:

                            A great variety of languages exist in the world. But all of them share some common characteristics. Language is multi-directional phenomenon. Different language scholars have contributed in a number of ways to probe deep into this phenomenon. Their ceaseless efforts have brought different dimensions of language to light. The study of fundamental characteristics of language leads us to a logical approach in this respect. Some important characteristics of language are given below:

 Language is Speech:

Language is basically sound. It is a system of organized sounds. The sounds are combined to form a meaningful message. It shows that speech is primary and writing is secondary to every language. Many languages of the world do not have an orthographic system. But they still exist and are being used. Every language is based on verbal symbolism such as sounds, words and phrases. They all combine to make sentences.

Language is Communicative:

Languge is useful because it is meaningful. It communicates between individuals and different groups. Each community derives certain meanings from certain speech sounds. So, it fulfils the most important desire to communicate. It is also a source of self—expression. It provides an outlet to our ideas and emotions. It is a means of storing knowledge. It also works as a binding force between past, present and future.

Language, A Complex Network of Sub-systems:

Every language has a particular system of arrangements. These arrangements are called subsystems. They work in close co-operation. There are different levels to assess a simple sentence, such as syntactic, semantic, stylistic , phonetic and pragmatic. Because of these systems, we can produce an unlimited set of sentences by a short number of symbols.

Language Is Arbitrary:

It means that there is no logical relationship between the sounds and their meanings. There is no link between the nature of things and the way language recognizes them. These things have gained meanings according to the nature of their use in society. That is why different languages of the world lack uniformity and are dissimilar.

Language is Linearity:

Speech sounds are presented through symbols. This is called orthography. There is a linear order in orthography, specific to every language. This order may be horizontal, vertical, from right to left or from left to right. For example, in Urdu, the linear order is from right to left. In the case of English, it is from left to right. Japanese is written from top to bottom.

Language is a system of contrast:

Every language has two basic structures: Deep and Surface structure. Chomsky asserts that there is no difference between the surface structure of any language. However, the surface structure changes according to the persons and circumstances. It is also called intra-lingual or inter-lingual differences.

Modality in Language:

It means the variety of words that is found in a language. Word or sentences may be interrogative, negative, indicative , imperative or affirmative. This is a feature that animals lack in their manner of communication.

Duality in Language:

This is a duality of language by which a finite set of items can describe a greater number of meanings, words, phrases or sentences.

Language is conventional:

Language is the fruit of convention and evolution. Language is non-instinctive in the sense that it is acquired by human beings themselves though it is very gradual process. Language is deeply rooted in society. People share or hold an agreement to use language as a system of sub-systems.

Language is Creative:

It shows that language is modifiable. It has flexibility to create new words and combinations using the limited number of items in a language. Although grammar is restricted but vocabulary of any language is limited. It helps the creative aspect of a language. Because of this characteristics of language, human beings are able to understand new sentences and phrases, that are unheard before.

Monday 25 November 2019

Ode To Autumn Ode To Autumn Summary Ode To Autumn Poem Ode To Autumn PDF

Ode To Autumn Explanation:

First Stanza Ode To Autumn John Keats:


In the first stanza of poem "Ode To Autumn", John Keats notes that Autumn and also the Sun are like best friends plotting how to make fruit grow and how to ripen crops before the harvest. The ripening will result in the dropping of seeds, which sets the stage for Spring flowers and also the whole procedure beginning over again. He tells us regarding the bees that suppose summer can last forever as they buzz around the flowers. However,  the poet" John Keats" is aware of better.

Second Stanza Ode To Autumn Poem:


The second stanza of the poem "Ode To Autumn" describes the period after the harvest, when Autumn simply hangs out around the depot where harvested grains are kept. Most of the toil has already been done, and autumn can just take a nap in the fields, walk across brooks, or watch the creating of cider.

Third Stanza Ode To Autumn: John Keats


In the third stanza of poem "Ode To Autumn", the poet explains that the music of Spring can be a distant memory, but that Autumn's music is pretty cool, too. This music includes pictures of clouds and harvested fields at sunset, gnats flying around a stream, lambs bleating, crickets singing, and birds whistling and twittering. All of the sights and sounds turn out a veritable symphony of beauty.