Actions Depend On Their Intentions Hadith:
Intention is hidden deep in one’s heart. The word "Niyyah" springs from the root noon-wau-ya (Nawa) that is also used for seed. A seed is either hidden within in a fruit or buried deep below the soil. It's not visible on the surface. Likewise, Niyyah or intention is hidden deep in one’s heart. It's not apparent.The quality of the fruit depends on the standard of the seed. If the seed was good, your turn out are going to be fruitful. If the seed was not of good quality, your crop won't be fruitful. Similarly, if our intention is correct and just for the sake of Allah , the quality of our actions will be superb. On the opposite hand, if our intention is corrupt and for some other reason (such as seeking praises of other people) our actions will be rejected.
Success is not simply the result of one’s action but also the condition of one’s heart. For example, you are doing an honest deed of helping somebody in their crisis. The person does not thank you in return. What is the condition of your heart? Are you infuriated that this person on whom you have done a favor has not acknowledged your generosity? Or is your heart at peace knowing that you did it just for the pleasure of Allah Almighty and He has noticed the great deed? Our intentions tell us regarding ourselves. Whether one is helping someone else, doing Ibadah or getting religious information, one should check the state of his heart. Is there pride in our heart? Is it only to please Allah Almighty or to achieve praises from people?
It is also same that this hadith means that there's no action without intention. For example, you stay hungry the whole day and once the day is over you say: Oh I spent this day in fast. If you had not intended to fast the night before or at the start of the day, then this is not fasting. You starved yourself and got no reward. Each act of worship needs intention. This doesn't mean reciting specific words as folks kill some cultures however you create the intention in your heart. For example, you will not wake up for Sahoor if you don’t shall fast or you won't build ablution unless it’s time to pray. It's the intention to fast or pray that makes you get up and take an action.
If you truly intended to wake up for Tahajjud then Allah will ensure you get up in the middle of the night. If you said that casually, you might even miss your Fajr prayer. If we intend to make reconciliation with someone and we truly mean it, Allah Almighty will ease the way. Therefore, we should always be aware of what we utter because Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is aware of what’s within our hearts.
Migration is an action that deserves high rewards because of the difficulty of the journey, however provided that one migrates for the sake of Allah Almighty. For example, leaving a country where you are unable to worship according to your religion. It can also include migrating from a Muslim country to a non-Muslim country for the sake of Da’wah. However, if a person moves abroad for a better job or wedding then such a migration doesn't reward an individual. He can only receive the advantages for which he migrated such as a good salary and spouse but no special rewards from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
Similarly, leaving something is also a sort of migration; if an individual gives up sins for the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala then he will get the reward for it. However, if it was to please someone else then there'll be no profit.
Once one begins doing anything, he must be sincere. No matter what a person is doing his concern should be the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. As we start the study of the book Saheeh Bukhari, we need re-check our intention. Is it for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, so that can learn more about our beloved Prophet(S.A.W) and reform our actions or is it so that people will take into account us learned? Is it to argue with people and degrade them or is it to call people to a righteous action?
Knowledge gets wasted between timidity and pride. Let's not waste our ‘ilm and ‘aml'. May Allah Almighty defend our hearts from bad intentions.