Saturday 23 November 2019

On His Blindness Poem Summary John Milton

Theme Of On His Blindness Poem By John Milton:

On His Blindness, On His Blindness Summary, On His Blindness Poem, On His Blindness Critical Analysis,

The poem " On His Blindness By John Milton" is set entirely inside the poet’s mind. He expresses his doubts to himself and also finds his consolation within himself. He is afraid that going blind will stop him from composing nice poetry, but he also learns that we should welcome God’s will without questioning his intention.

Summary and Analysis Of On His Blindness Poem By John Milton:

Lines 1-2 Of On His Blindness Poem:
In these lines, the poet explains that his sightness or vision has gone even before half his life is over. That is just when he is close to reach his middle age.

Lines 3-6 Of On His Blindness  By John Milton:

In these lines, the author says that God has given him the talent of poetic composition, and if he is unable to supply something worthy using that talent, then he deserves to die. However, his talent has been rendered useless by the loss of his vision. Even so, he desires to serve God by employing his talent. He wants to be able to tell authentic story of his life in his poetry, and that is perhaps why he is scripting this sonnet on his visual defect. He is writing this poem  so God doesn't become angry at him and think that he is wasting the talent that has been given to him.

Lines 7-11 Of On His Blindness Poem:

In these lines, the author is prompted to directly raise God a question. He asks God whether he would be cruel enough to expect something productive from a blind person as the worth for providing him with the talent that has helped him earn his bread and butter up to now. However, the poet is a patient man naturally, and this element of patience in his temperament stops him from posing the above-mentioned question to God. His patience tells him that God doesn't ask for anything from a person. He doesn't ask for his gifts to be returned, nor does He expect every man to create use of those gifts. the ones who need to serve God in the best approach possible only accept the hand they have been dealt graciously and without any bitterness.

Lines 12-14 Of On His Blindness Poem:

In these lines, the component of patience inside the poet proffers him some recommendation to cope with the purportedly harsh ordeal of his going blind. His patience tells him that God is the creator of whole universe. He has many kingdoms under his supervision and  innumberable subjects to do as he asks. There are similarly thousand of men on earth who follow God’s every instruction to the letter, and who hurry over lands and seas without a flash of rest in the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them. However, these are not the sole people who serve God. There are others who just stand and anticipate God to decide how their lives will go. Their only service to God is to accept whatever trial God puts on their path and to  be contented  with such trials with courage and resilience. These individuals also serve God to the best of their ability, and God loves everybody equally.